Welcome to (most of) my 78 collection. A quick preface before you start: I collect a lot of novelty, and some of these are of questionable taste or insensitivity. Be careful to select recordings to play that will set well with you and potential other listeners. I didn't create the records -- I just play them.

  • I know there are some mistakes in the database I use to generate the table of recordings. If you find any errors, please let me know by sending info sending info to ptinker@acm.org.
  • Most but not all of the recordings have been assigned content tags. You can help by telling me which of the available categories should be associated with a particular track. Again, suggestions should be sent to ptinker@acm.org.
  • This site is devised to play many tracks with no user intervention. You can play several weeks' worth of tracks without any user input if you create a playlist. To do this, I provide a Tune Warehouse containing all the tracks currently available to play. You can play tracks individually by double-clicking on any track. Better yet, you can create a playlist that contains tunes you want to play. To create a playlist, use the 'Tags and Filters' tab to select multiple tracks quickly. You can select a variety of arbitrary track types, and you can filter tracks by Artist, Title, and CD number. When you finish with tags and filters, select the Tune Warehouse tab where you can see the selected tracks highlighted. You can play those tracks using the Play, Shuffle, Prev and Next buttons. Use the pause button on the audio control itself to pause both the current track and the playlist playback.
  • You can also select or de-select individual tracks by clicking on them once.
  • Some of the recordings have been digitally processed, although you professionals out there may disagree with my decision to do so. Since my home-grown label name is "Cheapskate Joy," there are a lot of records here that should be rated G or P. In some cases, I've erased occasional scratches to improve the overal S/N ratio. In others, I've applied a bandpass filter and some light anti-scratch -crackle -hiss -hum. Hopefully, I haven't introduced too many digital artifacts. I have all the original data straight off the turntable, so it's not irrevokable.
  • Beginning somwhere around CD 20 I acquired a Nitty Gritty machine, which has made things much faster, easier, and cleaner http://www.nittygrittyinc.com/index.html
  • Beginning around CD 50, I began using DC7 software to reduce impulse noise, but I have not applied any other noise reduction based on noiseprints.
  • Starting somewhere around CD 80, I began using Brian Davies' remarkable DeNoiseLF, ClickRepair, and DeNoise exclusively for digital processing http://www.clickrepair.net/. I hope you notice increasing quality of restoration since then.